Three robbers and a lion

Folk og røvere i Kardemomme by

The film premiered December 25th 2022 (Norway).

This is the story about the three robbers Casper, Jasper and Jonathan, who lives outside of Cardamom Town. They are not happy with their lives and would like to live like normal people. After robbing the town several times they are finally caught and put in jail. When a fire breaks out in the tower of the town, the robbers come to help and become the heroes of the day. Based on one of the most important Norwegian children’s books of all time.


ORIGINAL TITLE: Folk og røvere i Kardemomme by
PRODUCERS: Heidi Palm Sandberg, Åshild Ramborg
DIRECTOR: Rasmus A. Sivertsen
SCREENPLAY: Karsten Fullu & Ingrid Haukelidsæter
BASED ON: Thorbjørn Egners book and theater play
TECHNIQUE: CGI + miniatures

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