30 years with pure passion
Once upon a time in the far north
In 1994 two guys in their early twenties started up an animation studio in Oslo, Norway. The only office space they could afford was a small, drafty attic. In Norwegian this is called a “kvistloft”, so the name Qvisten pretty much gave itself. They defined three goals: Become as good as legendary animation studio Aardman Animations, make a music video for their Danish musical heroes D:A:D and sometime, in the distant future, create their very own feature film. They also had a clear vision: Qvisten should create content that captivate, activate, engage, and thrill kids – Qvisten´s characters should become a part of their childhood.
30 years later we have reached most of our goals and the vision is still burning bright: Qvisten shall be a source of great childhood experiences and memories on several different levels – films, TV, games, learning and theme parks. We´re not located in an attic anymore, and two young guys have become two seasoned Producers with some 80 great artists and colleagues. Each of us working relentlessly to make great stories and amazing experiences. Every single day.
In 2021 Qvisten Animation estblaished a commercial derpartement, named XTND. The intation was to extented our IP´s more platforms.
In 2023 Qvisten Animation started together with Rights & Brands AB, Rights & Brands Norway. It is a licensing and publishing agency bringing Scandinavian rights and brands to a global arena.